Dota 2 is an exciting and challenging game that requires players to not only think tactically, but also to choose the right heroes. For a newcomer, getting started in the world of Dota can be quite challenging, given the variety of heroes and their unique skills. In this article, we'll take a look at a few characters that will help you learn the basics of the game and succeed.


This character is one of the simplest heroes, not requiring complex tactical maneuvers or memorizing a lot of abilities. Just take a comfortable position and shoot at creeps and enemies from a long distance.


  •     Headshot (passive) - Attacks deal extra damage and repel enemies.
  •     Take Aim (passive) - increases attack range.
  •     Concussive Grenade - A powerful grenade throw that throws opponents a distance away and slows them down.
  •     Assassinate - aims at a target and shoots it from a long distance, stunning and dealing high damage.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: kerry, nuker.
  •     Useful allies: Drow Ranger, Dazzle, Vengeful Spirit, Viper, Faceless Void, Crystal Maiden, Earthshaker and Ogre Magi.
  •     Strong against: Enigma, Silencer and Drow Ranger.
  •     Weak against: Clockwerk, Bounty Hunter, Techies, Ember Spirit, Riki, Bloodseeker, Zeus, Storm Spirit, Skywrath Mage and Slark. Top Talents: +30 to Headshot damage (level 10), +30 to Attack Speed (level 15), +28 to Headshot repulsion range (level 20), and +10 to Attack Range (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Phase Boots, Mask of Madness, Shadow Blade, Maelstrom, Dragon Lance, Monkey King Bar, Moon Shard and Butterfly.



A versatile saber mage with powerful spells in his arsenal. With a few items, he can deal significant damage and strengthen allies, but requires attention to mana management.


  •     Frost Blast - deals area damage and slows enemies.
  •     Frost Shield - activates a magical shield that reduces damage and slows enemies.
  •     Sinister Gaze - Draws mana from your opponent and replenishes your mana.
  •     Ice Spire - activates an ice onslaught that slows down enemies.
  •     Chain Frost - launches an ice ball at enemies, jumping from one target to another.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred Role: Sappport, nuker style is possible.
  •     Useful allies: Axe, Faceless Void, Magnus.
  •     Strong against: Meepo, Naga Siren, Omniknight, Chaos Knight and Legion Commander.
  •     Weak against: Spectre, Storm Spirit, Abbadon, Riki, Spirit Breaker, Slark, and Broodmother.
  •     Best talents: +150 to Frost Blast radius and damage (level 10), -3 sec Frost Blast cooldown (level 15), +4 sec Frost Shield (level 20) and unlimited Chain Frost bounce (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Tranquil Boots, Mekansm or Guardian Greaves, Scythe of Vyse, Glimmer Cape, Force Staff and Ethereal Blade, and Aghanim's Shard.


Crystal Maiden

It is one more sapport that is useful even for newcomers. She can freeze opponents and restore mana to allies.


  •     Crystal Nova - Creates a vortex in a specific area, slowing enemies.
  •     Frostbite - envelops enemies in ice and paralyzes them.
  •     Arcane Aura - increases mana regeneration for all allies on the map.
  •     Freezing Field - initiates ice explosions around itself.
  •     Stop Freezing Field - stops the effect of this skill.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: Sappport, possible style of nuker, jungler and disabler.
  •     Useful allies: Lina, Ursa, Skywrath Mage, Enigma, Magnus, Tidehunter and Faceless Void.
  •     Strong against: Phantom Lancer, Meepo, Lycan, Naga Siren, and Razor.
  •     Weak against: Enigma, Pudge, Rubick, Pangolier and Clockwerk.
  •     Best talents: +125 to Crystal Nova radius (level 10), +6% to Arcane Aura magic resistance (level 15), +50 to Freezing Field damage (level 20) and +240 to Crystal Nova damage (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Tranquil Boots, Mekansm or Guardian Greaves, Scythe of Vyse, Glimmer Cape, Force Staff and Ethereal Blade, and Aghanim's Shard.


Simple abilities, high damage, and easy controls make this hero enjoyable to play for beginners and experienced players alike.


  •     Poison Attack - activates poison for attacks.
  •     Nethertoxin - applies a toxin to the area of effect.
  •     Corrosive Skin (passive) - protects the character and deals retaliatory damage to pursuing enemies.
  •     Nosedive - imposes powerlessness and deals damage.
  •     Viper Strike - slows down the enemy and deals damage.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: Kerri.
  •     Useful allies: Undying, Necrophos, Venomancer, Bounty Hunter, and Abaddon.
  •     Strong against: Spectre, Razor, Bristleback, Batrider and Huskar.
  •     Weak against: Terrorblade, Morphling, Phantom Lancer, Chaos Knight and Juggernaut.
  •     Best talents: +20 attack speed (level 10), +70 max damage per second from Nethertoxin (level 15), +80 damage per second from Viper Strike (level 20), and -11 sec. cooldown on Nethertoxin (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Boots of Travel, Scythe of Vyse, Moon Shard, Assault Cuirass, Butterfly, Black King Bar and Monkey King Bar.


A hero capable of dealing significant damage to enemies without the need for special skills. He is especially strong in the early stages of the game and can successfully withstand single line encounters.


  •     Storm Hammer - deals damage and stuns the enemy.
  •     Great Cleave (passive) - deals mass damage.
  •     Warcry - strengthens allies.
  •     God's Strength - increases the hero's damage.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: kerry, possible role of disabler, initiator or nuker.
  •     Useful allies: Alchemist, Invoker, Enigma, Vengeful Spirit, Crystal Maiden and Ogre Magi.
  •     Strong against: Meepo, Lycan, Phantom Lancer and Naga Siren.
  •     Weak against: Troll Warlord, Chaos Knight, Templar Assassin, Medusa, Venomancer and Morphling.
  •     Best talents: +15 attack speed (level 10), +25% damage from Great Cleave (level 15), +8% movement speed from Warcry (level 20), and +50% damage from God's Strength (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Boots of Travel, Black King Bar, Mask of Madness, Daedalus, Aghanim's Scepter and Satanic.


A fast hero with a simple combat style and excellent health.


  •     Blade Fury - circular attack with defense against magic.
  •     Healing Ward - Healing totem.
  •     Blade Dance (passive) - increases the probability of a critical hit.
  •     Swiftslash - A short version of Omnislash.
  •     Omnislash - attacks the enemy by quickly attacking all enemies and becomes invulnerable.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: kerry, possible role as a pusher.
  •     Useful allies: Crystal Maiden, Pudge, Earthshaker, Venomancer, Shadow Shaman.
  •     Strong against: Underlord, Spectre, Gyrocopter, Viper and Tidehunter.
  •     Weak against: Omniknight, Doom, Dazzle, Anti-Mage, Axe and Weaver.
  •     Best talents: +5 to all attributes (level 10), -20 sec cooldown of Healing Ward (level 15), +150 damage per second from Blade Fury (level 20) and +1 sec of Omnislash (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Phase Boots, Manta Style, Mjollnir, Abyssal Blade, Eye of Skadi and Butterfly.

Ogre Magi

A useful sapport with high stamina and the ability to confuse opponents.


  •     Fireblast - Launches a wave of fire with a stun.
  •     Ignite - sets enemies on fire.
  •     Bloodlust - increases the attack and movement speed of an allied target.
  •     Unrefined Fireblast - activates an enhanced version of the fire wave.
  •     Fire Shield - creates a shield that absorbs damage.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: Sappport, possible roles include nukeer, disabler, and initiator.
  •     Useful allies: Pudge, Shadow Shaman, Ursa, Juggernaut and Crystal Maiden.
  •     Strong against: Troll Warlord, Ursa, Night Stalker, Clinkz and Death Prophet.
  •     Weak against: Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, Chaos Knight, Anti-Mage and Meepo.
  •     Best talents: +16 damage per second from Ignite (level 10), +250 health (level 15), +25 attack speed from Bloodlust (level 20), and 17% chance to use Fireblast when attacking (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Arcane Boots, Aether Lens, Aghanim's Scepter, Lotus Orb, Force Staff and Blink Dagger.


You need to activate two spells in time to be effective with him, but his high base stats make him useful early on.


  •     Dual Breath - slows and deals damage.
  •     Ice Path - stuns enemies.
  •     Liquid Fire - sets enemies on fire with normal attacks.
  •     Liquid Frost - stuns and slows enemies.
  •     Macropyre - deals high damage with fire.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: Sappport, possible role of nuker, disabler and initiator.
  •     Useful allies: Enigma, Tidehunter, Faceless Void and Chaos Knight.
  •     Strong against: Meepo, Naga Siren, Lycan, Phantom Lancer and Lone Druid.
  •     Weak against: Rubick, Juggernaut, Batrider, Elder Titan and Keeper of the Light.
  •     Best talents: +275 attack range (10th level), +325 health (15th level), +30 Macropyre damage (20th level) and Dual Breath damage and range multiplied by 2 (25th level).
  •     Useful items: Arcane Boots, Force Staff, Aghanim's Scepter, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Rod of Atos and Aether Lens.

Wraith King

A powerful hero with high health, able to quickly accumulate wealth and acquire useful artifacts.


  •     Wraithfire Blast - stuns the enemy.
  •     Vampiric Spirit - restores health from damage.
  •     Mortal Strike (passive) - additional critical damage.
  •     Reincarnation - resurrects after death and slows down enemies.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred role: kerry, possible role of a sapporter, disabler and initiator.
  •     Useful allies: Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit, Lion, Rubick and Lina. Strong against: Elder Titan, Enigma, Ursa, Clinkz and Night Stalker.
  •     Weak against: Phantom Lancer, Underlord, Naga Siren, Timbersaw and Bristleback.
  •     Best talents: +25% skeleton life time, -25% cooldown (level 10), +26 to skeleton damage (level 15), +6 to minimum number of skeletons (level 20) and -2 sec Mortal Strike cooldown (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Phase Boots, Desolator, Black King Bar, Armlet of Mordiggian, Assault Cuirass, Radiance and Aghanim's Scepter.

Phantom Assassin

Possesses high agility and critical damage, allowing him to quickly destroy opponents.


  •     Stifling Dagger - Throws a dagger, slowing down enemies.
  •     Phantom Strike - teleports to a living target, gaining bonus to attack speed and vampirism.
  •     Blur (passive) - increases evasion.
  •     Fan of Knives - Throws daggers in a small radius around him.
  •     Coup de Grace - deals critical damage with a powerful attack.

Key Features:

  •     Preferred Role: Kerri. Useful allies: Vengeful Spirit, Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman, Enigma, Magnus.
  •     Strong against: Anti-Mage, Lone Druid, Huskar, Elder Titan, and Lycan.
  •     Weak against: Axe, Morphling, Pangolier, Timbersaw, and Razor.
  •     Best talents: -2 sec cooldown of Stifling Dagger (level 10), +250 to Phantom Strike's range (level 15), +60 to attack speed from Phantom Strike (level 20), and +7% to the critical attack chance of Coup de Grace (level 25).
  •     Useful items: Phase Boots, Satanic, Black King Bar, Battle Fury, Abyssal Blade and Assault Cuirass.


Choosing a hero in Dota 2 is an important step towards success. It is better to start with those characters that provide simple control mechanics and allow you to focus on mastering the basics of the game. Try the listed heroes, and then gradually expand your arsenal. Good luck on the battlefields