Slang expressions

The following jargon expressions are also used in DOTA 2:

  •     Kerry - A hero who specializes in dealing damage and finishing the game.
  •     Meader - A player who plays on the mid line.
  •     Leiter - a hero who starts playing effectively only after obtaining certain items.
  •     Support - A hero who helps the kerry to farm and win fights.
  •     Troll - A player who purposely prevents his team from winning.
  •     Abuse - Using an imbalance or flaw in the game for personal gain.
  •     Imbo - very strong, unbalanced.
  •     Mid - a line in the middle of the map.
  •     Pub - A game in which players are randomly assigned to teams.
  •     Roshan - the strongest neutral creature on the map, killing it brings a lot of gold and experience to the team.
  •     Ulta - the most powerful ability of the hero.
  •     Damage - the amount of damage a hero or ability deals.

Basic abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in DOTA 2:

  •     AFK - Away from keyboard - A player who is not participating in the game.
  •     MMR - Match Making Rating - A player's rating that is used for matchmaking.
  •     KDA - Kill, Death, Assist - The main performance indicators of a hero in the game.
  •     CC - Crowd Control - abilities that slow, immobilize, or stun enemies.
  •     CS - Creep Score - the number of creeps killed per game.
  •     DD - Damage Dealer - A hero that specializes in dealing damage.
  •     F - Farm - earns gold for killing creeps, ruins, and other objects.
  •     GA - Ghost Ability - An ability that gives the hero immunity to magic.
  •     GPM - Gold per minute - the average amount of gold a hero gets per minute.
  •     LH - Last Hit - kills a creep with the last hit.
  •     N - Nuke - an ability that deals high damage.
  •     P - Push - Deals damage to enemy towers.
  •     D - Damage - the amount of damage a hero or ability deals.
  •     S - Stun - an ability that stuns the enemy for a short time.
  •     TP - Town Portal Scroll is an item that allows the player to teleport to a base.
  •     W - Wave Clear - the hero's ability to quickly kill creeps on the line.

Use of Slang

The use of slang in DOTA 2 helps players to quickly and effectively exchange information and express their emotions. For example, a player can write "ss" to inform his allies of his intention to leave the line. "gg" (good game) is used to praise a successful kill, and "noob" (newbie) is used to express dissatisfaction with an ally's actions. Although it may be difficult for newcomers to understand this slang, once they learn the basic abbreviations and expressions, they will be able to easily communicate with other players in DOTA 2.